Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend Review and Weekly Weigh In

Weekend Review:
Friday after school we had a softball pool party and grilled out. We also gave one of the girls a makeover. Baleigh never wears any makeup so we did some eyeshadow and lip gloss.

Doest she look so cute?

After the cookout we all went back to the baseball game. They were playing at home in their first game of the state playoffs. We won 10 to 0 in 6 innings. After the game I went over to my brother and sister-in-laws house where Hubs was watching the hockey game.
Saturday Hubs and I went shopping for more deck furniture. We couldn't find anything then but I picked up a bistro table yesterday. Later I met my friend Lindsey for pedicures before heading to dinner and the prom. I'll post about chaperoning the prom later.
Sunday mom and I went shopping and then I washed tons of clothes and helped Hubs put together our new bistro table.
Weekly Weigh In:
I had mexican twice this weekend but still managed to lose 1.7 lbs. I am at 176.0 right now. Once softball season is over I plan on beginning to lift weights.

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