Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas Challange: Day 1

I am particpating in Aly's & Molly's 12 Day's of Christmas blog challange.

Day 1: Christmas Traditions

Hub's family does live 2 hours away from us so holidays have always been something that we have had to compromise on. Thankfully it has always worked out perfect. Heres a run down of our schedule:

Christmas Eve

5pm - dinner party with my dad's side of the family

8pm - desserts and presents with my mom's side of the family

Home to wait for Santa

Christmas Day

breakfast with my family and presents

lunch - head to Hub's parents for Christmas

then we usually go to the beach for a few days.

not really sure what the plans are for that this year.


Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Hope you get to go to the beach again!

Anonymous said...

sounds like an awesome plan!! We have a hectic Christmas eve and Christmas too but luckily our families are only about 45 minutes apart and we've been able to do a family a day with us opening presents alone on christmas morning... it works for us! Have a great Thanksgiving!!!

Cool Gal said...

It's nice that you get to see everyone. My mister's parents winter in FL so we never see them at Christmas.

Hey, I'm hosting a fabulous "MikWright" giveaway. Please stop by and check it out when you get a chance. Four winners in all! Yay! :)

Heather said...

The beach at Christmas? You lucky girl!