Saturday, July 24, 2010

What Matters Most

I know that I said I was taking a break from blogging and I am but I wanted to share something that was in my work email. I logged into my work email this morning since I hadn't checked it in awhile and had an email devotion from Extraordinary Women which is a Christian conference that I attended a few years ago.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21

Food. Alcohol. An affair. Shopping. Exercise. Obsessions with hobbies or a job. Too often, instead of looking to God and the relationships He’s placed in our lives, we look to other things to fill the emptiness and ease the confusion we feel. But how well we live hinges entirely on our ability to develop healthy relationships with others.

And herein lies the secret to making every day count. To focus on what matters most – time with God and those we love. This is incredibly difficult to do in a world that values anything but intimacy with others. Wealth. Beauty. Fame. The decision to focus on our relationships—with God and others—is directly at odds with what society values.

If relationships with God and others are what matter most in life, we need to ask ourselves what we’re doing to strengthen these closest relationships. Often, we’re so caught up in life that we inadvertently put our connections with others on autopilot, hoping that the relationships will still be intact when life settles down a bit. Because life rarely settles down, we can go weeks, months, and even years without investing time in the people we love most.

Where is your heart? Is it trapped by the human desire to store up treasure in this world? Or do you focus on people the way Jesus did when He was here on earth?


Unknown said...

This was great! Thanks for sharing!

Lori said...

What an amazing post (devotional?). Thank you for reminding us all that we need to store our treasures up in heaven, not where moth and rust will ruin.

It is so important to keep asking ourself the last question in your post so that we are kept in check. It's so easy to get caught up with designer bags and shopping and beauty, etc.

Happy sunday!

Ashley said...

I really enjoyed this post. Sometimes we lose sight of what is really important.