Wednesday, December 9, 2009

27 Wonderful Years

This is my final post about my birthday... I promise.
Hubs sent me flowers to work.

Aren't they beautiful?

My volleyball girls made me this poster to hang up in my classroom.

I had a wonderful birthday. It started off with Hubs giving me a card that he had made for me. It was so sweet. He knows that I treasure the cards my students make for me every year and he thought it would be cute to make me one himself. Hub's also sent me those beautiful flowers to work which made all the secretaries gush about how sweet he his. (They don't know him that well, lol. Just kidding, Hubs, you are a sweetie). All of my students made me cards too. I love going through and reading them. Some of them are so funny. For my birthday dinner Hubs took me to eat Mexican which I'm sure you all know by now is my absolute favorite.
Thank you Hub's for such a wonderful birthday!


Lori said...

Its great hearing about your special day! Your husband sounds like quite the keeper!! I'm sure men don't actually realize how much things like that mean to us women. Happy Birthday!

USCEmily said...

It looks like you had a wonderful birthday!!
Welcome to 27 (It's not so bad- I've been here for 9 months)