Friday, September 4, 2009

Show us your life: School Pictures

Today in Show Us Your Life Friday and we're sharing our school pictures. I didn't have a lot already on my computer and I rarely have any of when I was little.

I don't even think that I was in school yet when this picture was taken but I wanted to share one of when I was young. This is my mom and dad and my little brother. Wasn't he adorable?

This is one of my senior pictures.

11th grade prom. I am the second one from the right on the back row. The back of the guys head was my date and high school sweetheart.

This picture was taken right after my senior year during the summer before we started college.

During lunch time. That sweater was from Abercrombie but looking at it now I don't know why I ever wore it. That is hideous!

My best friend, Erin, and I on Homecoming Night. (I am in the black) That was my favorite dress of all the ones I ever wore during high school.

Part of our homecoming court. We had five girls on the court but we didn't really hang out with the other girl so I guess we didn't invite her to be in the picture. How high school is that?

Tailgating before one of our football games. I am in the middle back.
Looking at these pictures bring back so many good memories. I am double blessed because now I get to give back and teach at the high school I graduated from. I love working with the children and continue to show my school spirit.


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! I don't know where to begin with finding all of mine! lol Have a great weekend! Ginger

Christa said...

Loved looking at your pictures!

Lianna Knight said...

girl you look EXACTLY the same!!!!