Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday morning weigh in

Let me start off by saying that I did not do well with WW this weekend. I have done well for breakfast but Sat. for lunch I had a small cheeseburger and then for dinner I had whole flounder (which was fried) with a small baked potato. Sunday morning I did well for breakfast but then had Chinese for lunch and steak for supper. And to top it off I had a couple chocolate oatmeal cookies.
Which are so yummy but I knew I should not have had them. When we started this Hubs and I said that we would not count points on Saturdays but we should have done much better on Sunday. Needless to say I was not happy about having to weigh in this morning.

BTW, Hubs and I both weigh on Saturday morning's too. When I weighed on Sat. I had lost 3 lbs. But then when I weighed this morning I had gained 1 lb back. UGH!!! So my total weight loss for this week is:

Which is great but I wish I would have had better self control on Sunday and not have gained that pound back. I am going to try really hard this week to lose at least 3 lbs.
I am trying a new WW recipe tonight so I will let ya'll know how it turns out.


Unknown said...

2 pounds is still great! You have to give yourself splurge days!! :) YAY!!

Unknown said...

Just got your comment...if you email me I'll send you some info about recipes!! (

Unknown said...

Great job! Keep up the good work! It was probably good that you weighed before Sunday, you saw what an extra day of splurging would do to you, so you can remember that for the future. I'm cheering you on! You can do this!!!!